Friday, September 14, 2007

Welcome to My Blog

Hi Everyone, and welcome to my first attempt at blogging.

In The Innocents Abroad Mark Twain wrote, "If you wish to inflict a heartless and malignant punishment upon a young person, pledge him to keep a journal a year." Despite this warning I have decided to start a blog as a way to share photos and news with you, my family and friends. I am not especially computer literate, but many have assured me that blogs have become foolproof. If you're reading this right now, we're off to a good start.

As many of you know, I'm spending the current acadmic year in Jerusalem, where I'll begin work on my dissertation. I'll be staying at the Albright Institute, which you can visit at, and working at the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, which is affiliated with the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem. The fellows' program at the Albright includes a number of field trips to ancient sites in Israel, and one of my goals of this blog is to send along reports from these field trips.

If I run out of interesting things to say about life around Jerusalem, I may resort to discussing my dissertation, in which case you, dear reader, will be the one suffering a heartless and malignant punishment.

I hope you enjoy the posts you'll find here, and I also hope you'll keep in touch here or through email.
Love, Andrew


Jay M said...

Ole Mark Twain also said, "I never let my schooling interfere with my education." Wishing you safe travels to and within Jerusalem and all the best with your studies. I have a strange hunch that Biblical Archaeology isn't quite as sexy as what happens in Indiana Jones but then again... I didn't let my schooling interfere with such important things.

keep in touch,

dshufdog said...

Its funny you mention Hadadezer of Damascus because I had a dream a few nights ago where he, myself, and Ahab of Israel had dinner at an airport steak house in Chicago. We were all in sales, waiting for flights, and found out that we were all in the same fraternity! We drank scotch all night reminiscing about Shalmaneser, about how we despised him, but dad-gummit, we respected him. Weird huh?