Monday, May 30, 2011

Other Spring Photos

Here are a few other highlights from the last couple of months. First is this picture of me and Michael looking at the elephants at the zoo:

One of Michael's new favorite toys: a coffee can. Despite living in the coffee capital of the US, I can't turn my back on the brand that's helped me make it this far. Plus, Michael loves filling and emptying the large can with blocks and also sometimes wearing it on his head.

Another recent project is trying to get Michael to use his own spoon. We are having mixed success, as you can see, but at least he's having a good time trying.

Last Monday we took Michael to his first Baltimore Orioles just happened to be in Seattle, where the visiting Birds lost 4-3. We never got around last summer to taking him to Camden Yards, so the day game last week seemed like a good chance to see Safeco Field and the team from the city of his birth. Emily and Michael met me in Seattle and I was delighted to see she was sporting an O's t-shirt.

And Michael also was wearing orange. I was wearing green, but not really to support the Mariners. It was just the shirt I had worn the previous day, and when I got up on Monday and saw it draped over a chair, I thought: Let's go back-to-back (to back!). Michael slept for almost the whole game and we left during the seventh inning stretch with Seattle ahead 4-1. Of course, as soon as we left the O's made it interesting but couldn't get over the hump for the win.

And then just today the Kids' Museum on Bainbridge Island turned one year old and celebrated with music and a fire truck for kids to explore. Michael loves anything with a motor but has a special affection for firetrucks. When he caught sight of the truck from a distance, he flipped out!

The firemen were great about letting kids explore the truck, so Michael took his turn in the driver's seat. Everything was great till he reached for that yellow button by the steering column, which apparently was a no-no. Of course, the fireman telling him not to pull it only made him want to grab it all the more, so it was a good time to conclude our time in the driver's seat!

Here's Michael performing his detailed inspection of the truck. So far, so good.

Later though: "There's a tremendous build-up of muck on the metal steps."

Any day that includes a close-up of a firetruck is a happy day indeed!

After the firetruck we visited some of the museum's other features, including this water table, which Michael enjoyed!

This weekend felt like the first real spring weather of the season...hopefully, it is here to stay!

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